Why Everyone Should Have a Dance Party…

I would never survive life without crazy multi-tasking. Lets face it running a household, overseeing a non-profit, promoting a book with a self esteem campaign, and still getting up in the middle of the night with a baby can make a person crazy without multi-tasking and relaxation. The secret to my sanity is having a DANCE PARTY with my two kids. Music offers me powerful feelings of motivation. I can turn up the volume loud enough so that I can’t hear the phone ring. My son laughs and feels quality time with his Mom. Finally, jumping around for an hour with a four year old (and another 13 pound child in my arms)is like having a personal trainer forcing you to do lunges until it burns.

At my house, the sprinkler is the favorite move on a beat with U2’s Beautiful Day… Don’t Let it Get Away. Add a little running man. The funniest thing in the world is watching a kid do the robot. Of course everyone should just jump and spin to Smoke on the Water. About the time the kids get tired, I get to scoop them in my arms to slow dance along with Jack Johnson’s always better when we’re together.

I have heard the saying that we should “Dance like no body is watching.” It inspires me. I love finding moments to live life to the fullest and celebrate what my body can do verses focus on why my thighs are too big. So many women struggle with a negative body image. We don’t like our booty, our mid section, our cottage cheese, lanky ankles, and more. What ever your insecurity may be let them go. Focus on health and happiness verses why you don’t look like the airbrushed model featured in the gossip magazine.

The next time you are feeling down about your body, need to spend more quality time with your kids, or need to relax, here is a solution.
Pull down your blinds. Play your favorite music. If you are not comfortable dancing just sit on the floor with your feet out and wiggle your toes and remember how cool, amazing, and fantastic your body is.

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